I was asked by Val, a friend from Church, to go along to the “Friends & Fun” Group, which meets once a month after the Community Fridge closes on a Monday afternoon, and which she organises.

I had read a Christmas poem at their Christmas Service, so she asked if I could read one or two more today, which I was happy to do.  During the afternoon, we had various crafts on the tables that we could try out and there was also a quiz - I was too busy chatting to people - of course I was -  and didn’t even bring one home with me, so must ask Val if she can send me one.

I knew that the afternoon included lots of lovely cakes and biscuits, made by Val and others, so because I didn’t want to sabotage my new Eating Plan, I decided I would take my own titbits to much on;  you will see them in the top left shot.  Who knew that if you cut a clementine through the middle instead of peeling it, the segments then just push out and they are already “bite sized”?  

The bottom left shot shows some of my Blip photographs, for which I had written poems over the years and before I read any of them, I told them about Blip - well of course I did - you know I like to get the word out there!  

There were serious poems like this one, "Encircled by Love" and after I had read it, I said that I hoped they always felt “enfolded, cocooned, encircled and surrounded” by love when they came to the Community Fridge and to this Group.  I also gave them a small card with this poem on it and hope they remember how loved they are.  

There were also funny ones like this one, "From the the Ridiculous" this one, Will it Do What it Says on the Bottle?" and this one, "How Very Rude!" - I only had 15 minutes, but all those at the Group seemed to enjoy hearing the poems.  A friend we are due to meet tomorrow is always telling me I should put all my poems, which now number more than 100, into a book - perhaps I should do that soon before I’m too old to remember what I’m doing!  

David played his ukulele and we sang some old songs together, which was good - there’s nothing quite like a good sing-song!  Sadly, I was so engrossed in the singing that I didn’t take a photograph of David or his ukulele - perhaps next time. 

Doreen brought along some photographs of part of her huge collection of tea spoons - I'm sure there must be a name for people who collect these - just asked Mr. Google and he says they could be called "Spatulologists"!  Must ask Doreen if she would be happy to be called one of those! 

Another lady called Angie, who is a volunteer at the Community Fridge brought along some little pancakes that she had made - I heard they were delicious, but didn't try one.  However, Mr. HCB said he enjoyed his - must ask her for the recipe next time I see her.

C shared with us how she was a “Jesus Girl” and had become a Christian in her 40s.  She was encouraged to apply to Art College and after securing a place, where many of the students were much younger, gained her degree when she was 59 years old, proof that anyone can start a new hobby even when they are older - and be successful.  C shared with us a card she had made for everyone - and it was beautiful.  She is a wonderful artist and Mr. HCB and I are looking forward to visiting both Catherine and Stewart for coffee this coming Saturday - I better ask her before we go if the Silly Saturday Gang can come with us!  Don’t want them tramping all over her studio and making a mess!

Val then said that she didn’t write poems, and wasn’t good at art, but she was a knitter and she then showed us her wonderful knitted blanket.  All the hexagons play some part in her life story, and it was truly magnificent.  You will even see a rugby ball, as her husband is an avid rugby fan - she only told us about a few of the knitted hexagons, so I must make sure I find out more.  What a wonderful talent and I’m sure my knitting friends will enjoy seeing this.

We were then encouraged to do some chair exercises by Terry - nothing too strenuous you understand, but enough to get us thinking about our bodies.

All in all a great afternoon and I’m sure everyone enjoyed it - Val has asked me to go to the next meeting in March, which will be about Easter, with an Easter Egg Hunt and no doubt a Quiz.  I do have lots of Easter poems I’ve written, so hopefully it won’t take too long to choose several to read to the group.

Have a great week.  M xx 

P.S.  I also gave out lots of hearts - of course I did - and got lots of hugs from those I gave them to!

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