And another one...................

I had to get up early today to go for my walk because Ann was taking her friend to hospital this morning. We were in the park at about 7.30-8am and it was mobbed! Actually, that's a lie. It wasn't mobbed, but it was a lot busier than usual. I found another manky old ball. Yay! Ann thought it was quite a nice discarded ball, but that was because she couldn't see the big chunk that had been eaten out of it, until I got it home and put it on the living room floor for guarding purposes. I don't care! As long as it's a ball, I'm going to pick it up and carry it home to put into my manky old balls box.

After breakfast I had home alone time whilst Ann popped to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary with her friend. In retrospect, she should have taken me with her, because she had to wait for about an hour and a half, and instead of sitting in a really horrible cafe, she could have been playing with me in the grounds of Craigmillar Castle, which is practically next door. Oh well, ho hum, we'll know for the next time.

To be honest, Ann was quite pleased that she had to take a friend to the infirmary because she's never been before and it (opened more than 20 years ago) gave her a chance to have a look around and find the best place to park. And unlike hospitals in Cornwall, parking was free. Yay! Prescriptions in Scotland are also free, though my human only realised a few days ago that one pays more tax in Scotland than England??!! Yes, my human really doesn't have a clue about anything political?!! Anyway, if she needs to drive herself there, or get a bus or a taxi, she now has some idea of where she's going. It's a massive place.

Went to Blackford Pond for my walk this afternoon. That made me hungry so I asked for early dinner. Ann gave me a big carrot which I gobbled up very quickly and now I'm back in my bed snoozing.

Happy Monday evening peeps. Xx

PS – I've got a bit of a problem..................... Ann buys me a 15kg bag of dog food about every 3 months and on Saturday she ordered me more. Yum, yum! It's being delivered tomorrow. However, Ann totally misjudged how much food I had left and I've only got enough for dinner tonight. That means I've got no food for breakfast tomorrow morning??!! Ann says I can just have a carrot for breakfast and then have a bigger dinner than normal tomorrow evening, once my 15kg of food has been delivered. Do you think that's really mean?? Quite often I don't even bother to eat my breakfast. Or should she pop to Waitrose tomorrow morning, whilst I'm out on my walk, and pick up a small bag of very expensive food for me, just so that I can have something for breakfast that I may or may not eat? Thoughts please???

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