Flowerpower's journal

By Flowerpower

Busy Bee

Last night didn't quite go to plan as I did set out to go singing but never actually made it. I spent twenty five minutes driving round town trying to find a parking space. It nearly drove me potty! In the end I gave up and decided to go to the pub with a friend. We then spent the next few hours chatting and sorting out life. It was an unexpectedly lovely evening.

Today has been as busy as ever and, after a manic day and short night involving an inability to breathe at about four in the morning, I have decided to have a quiet night in and miss my work out and book club. Asthma attacks between three and four in the morning are now a regular part of my sleeping. I find that I am allergic to most things in the summer and should probably live in a bubble!

After work I popped in to the park to find something interesting to blip and decided to try to take a picture of a bee....That was a mistake.... They never really settle. They just buzzed from flower to flower collecting nectar and by the time I'd pressed the shutter they'd moved on to the next flower. I now know why people use the phrase 'As busy as a bee' for people who never stop! Thankfully this little bee finally settled and I managed to get a picture of it actually in the frame.

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