Just drive through it.... he said...

In his defence, there have been a lot of floods around us and we've been fine going through them, and the car started just fine once we'd pushed it out of the water (I switched the engine off the moment the car stalled). However, when going through floods previously, it's been in the other car, which is a 4x4. All seems to be ok though, no expensive trip to the garage today!!

After our minor adventure and a dog walk, I went to collect the boys, who had a very lovely sleep over with their cousins. The youngest is a bit low on sleep / energy, but that is easily solved.  

Home,the bedrooms are now painted, but not ready for sleeping in, so they are having a sleepover in the living room this evening. It took a while for any sleeping to take place!

I forgot.to put why I was sad about the wall art being covered up in yesterday's blip... it was the handiwork of the eldest and whilst I love the reminder of their 'paint on the wall innocence', I also remember being utterly unable to be annoyed when he proudly told me I was the one with the fat tummy, the candour is wonderful. 

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