
The wild crocuses are fully in bloom all over the neighbourhood, especially since we had record temperatures on Thursday (17/18 C !). Now there are blossom trees starting to bloom and even our magnolia has some buds without their outer bracts. Hopefully there won't be any really cold spell in the coming weeks, this must be so confusing for plants and critters !

Thanks so very much for all the continuing kind comments, stars and hearts for my milestone Blip on Thursday! And thanks for all the Abstract Thursday entries, many of them on the optional theme of repetition.
This coming Thursday the optional theme is 'minimalist' and the tag will be AT452.

Here's the list of 5 special entries from last Thursday:
DonnaWanna                     switches
Wildwood                            shadowplay
Gasman                              a  puzzle
davidc                                  topsy turvy waves
lesmark                               green glass pattern

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