Stormy outlook?

just before sunset tonight!

Busy day for me as I left home in pouring rain at 8.30 this morning to go to my old church.  When I got to Newbury I found the roads network has been changed, and I couldn't work out how to get to the car park I wanted, but I managed to find a spot in the very small church car park!

It was lovely to catch up with all my friends there, I really miss them even after nearly 4 years since I moved...

They have a new MInister and he's got a young family, which was lovely to see.  Then the lesson reading was put up on the screen - and it was in a language I didn't recognise - I was thrown as I thought it was Hebrew! and wondered where I actually was!!  It was frustrating as I missed what passage it was.  

(Turned out they put the words on the screen in Ukrainian as they now have a lot of Ukrainian families there...which makes sense now.)

Off to lunch with my friend and her daughters - her husband was called up north to help his brother's with their father...

G and I had a lovely lunch and then played a game of Kwerkle which I haven't played for sometime, followed by Bananagram!

I drove home in beautiful sunshine up the motorway in the late afternoon sunshine.

Very thankful my car went well today!  Praying it will continue that way (though I wonder if the wiper unit is draining the battery???  The wiper was going very slowly)

A nice relaxing evening in - I was going to say watching Call the Midwife, but the programme has been replaced by some awards programme :(  So I'm watching ITV3, the first Downton Abbey film about the King and Queen's visit!

And tomorrow its back to the grindstone in what is an extremely busy few days for me - please excuse the lack of commenting.  Not even sure if I'lll manage to blip....

Full steam ahead to my interview on Wednesday - and before then - on Tuesday evening hosting and leading my Small Group here as the leaders are away at their son's wedding!  Its al go!!!!

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