Sunday morning

Unusually for me, very unusually, I was up and out the house by 8.20 this morning.  The reason being that MB, one of my fellow dippers, has started a Sunday morning yoga session followed by a swim.  

It was absolutely wonderful - there was something really special about standing and looking out over the loch and surrounding trees whilst doing the class.  This was followed by a swim and then chat around a fire that SG made. I've included an extra of me in the water  - I'm on the left. 

As I walked down I was reminded of Sunday Morning by the Velvet Underground and Nico which I am listening to as I type.  Lovely. 

I was home by 10.30 which then left most of the day to get on with other things including re-potting many of my houseplants. This is a task which  has been on my to-do list for a while and it feels good to be able to cross it off. The plants, well those that remain as some were culled, look much better too. 

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