Barrowing on a sunless afternoon

A damp morning, but I was hoping for a better afternoon as my friend Claire had arranged a litter pick up at the Hydro for 3pm. We'd hoped to have 4 or 5 people there, but as it happened only three of us turned up, fortunately all bringing wheelbarrows. 

Someone had been rough camping up there for some time, but for quite a while there had been nobody there. The police were informed apparently and they said they would keep an eye on the situation,  but nothing came of it, so we decided to clear it up.

It wasn't much fun! The rubbish had been spread about, maybe by animals, so we bagged up as much as we could and carried it up to the top of a steep slope where we'd left our barrows. From there it was at least a quarter of a mile along a rough, rocky and sometime steep track to the roadside where we had arranged for the council to collect it, hopefully tomorrow. We each made two journeys with loaded barrows - not much fun!

It's all very mysterious. No sign of a tent, but there was a lot of kitchen ware, bags of food, books, electrical cables and various other totally sodden things, such as documentation - the latter would be taken to the police station. There were piles of sodden clothing, endless black bags of rubbish and several items which will go to a local recycling centre. It's hard to imagine the owner just walking off and leaving everything there.

As I didn't want to take my camera up there this is one of Claire's phone  pictures.

Then after that I had  quarter of a mile walk back home with my barrow. Must be nuts!

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