
The kids and grandkids round for a bacon roll - and the daughter brought tremendous cakes from The Pasty Section, some über trendy Leith bakehouse. Good girl! After that, we had to step out onto the beach; the wee minky was alarmed at the speed with which her little brother headed towards the waves. It’ll be good to get a touch of decent weather again and get down to bare feetykins. I may even roll up my trouser legs.
Off to Tynecastle after to face M-O-T-H-E-R-W-E-L-L and good lord, for once we didn’t lose the opening goal. Thought we easily could have. And yes it was that man again, Shankland who "opened the scoring" and "added to his account."  Alan Forrest was immense, Oda had his best game since arriving and the Naismith naysayers have been silenced - eight successive wins and unbeaten in twelve. The next few games: Rangers, Hibs,  Celtic, may dampen things down a little. And talk of dampening, that’s what Rog, AJ, Frank and I did straight after the game. The JTs march on! 

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