At last! (Day 3204)

A later start to the day and reasonable weather for the morning with Sigyn.
After some faffing around at home, my beautiful wife took Sigyn through to Mum.and Dad's and abandoned her there while we got along to the horses. Once Red stopped prancing around the field and we managed to catch him, we took him and George out for a ride. There must be some shoots of fresh grass in the field as both Red and George had their extra speedy, sometimes bucky, feet on today. It made for a fun ride out and just what I was needing. It seems like ages since I got to look over the top of George's giant lugs.
Back to Mum and Dad's for lunch, then while HV did a bit of study stuff, I took Sigyn another wander. Surprisingly neither of us got particularly mucky despite the recent rain.
HV was still studying when I got back to base, and I sat and had coffee with Mum and Dad. It seems that Dad will have to stop coffee for the next while as, we think, it was the cause of him passing out this afternoon. Thankfully he was sitting down at the time and Mum picked up on the signs he was about to faint. It all passed without incident, and he was much better after a snooze. Sigyn sat guard over him while he recovered - funny how they know something is wrong.
Dinner with Mum and Dad then back home after a bit of a blether.

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