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A day of household and cleaning jobs today, so no walk. However during two short visits to the back garden I recorded the following birds’ songs: rose-ringed parakeet, great tit, redwing, carrion crow, greenfinch, blue tit, black-headed gull, blackbird, great spotted woodpecker and house sparrow. Not a bad tally for a garden in the London suburbs! Here’s one of those mentioned in that list, during one of her several visits to the feeders today.

Smithers made a large lamb casserole this afternoon and, as soon as it went into the oven, I took over in the kitchen. We didn’t manage to have any pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, so I made up for it today by going into batch production of savoury spinach-stuffed pancakes, topped with extra cheese sauce, toasted pine nuts and more grated cheese. We had one dish for our supper and three more dishes went into the freezer.

By the time we’d finished we were both tired. I’m having a flare-up of arthritis, mainly in my wrists and hands, and I’ve concluded that my other symptoms of dizziness, nausea, tooth pain and occasional stabbing headaches are very likely the result of a bout of sinusitis, which was first suggested to me by the dentist. The combination of the two conditions is a bit tiring, to say the least, but I feel very satisfied with the day’s work.

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