Resident Gongoozler

This is the view from BB's flat, there's a canal boat permanently moored and occasional passage of other craft - a narrow boat this afternoon and a kayak well after dark, not to mention the fisherman and the resident ducks.

We made excellent progress with unpacking and sorting, BB was in good form and selected many items for charity shops. There are several nearby, which we toured early on, trying to find a few things to keep the kitchen tidy - partial success. 

We have returned a veritable mountain of (flattened) packing boxes to the removal company and, although there's a few to be emptied, we can now see daylight. Sadly, Mr Flum and I must leave the remaining work to BB's good friends, B, A, and N, who have been instrumental in the entire process and deserve a massive medal for their devoted attention to him.

We leave our temporary Travelodge home tomorrow, sure to return before too long.

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