Playing and Grinning!

What a day for grandchildren. Ruby and Eric came around 09:00 this morning, they were staying until around 14:00 but at around 11:30 Daniel turned up with Joanne, Hendrix and Buddy. He was returning some tools he'd borrowed and now they were going shopping. Marlane said to leave the boys with us and pick them up later. Ruby and Eric love having Buddy and Hendrix to play with and, as it was another mild day, they went out the front to play  on wheeled playthings.
They all disappeared by around 14:30 and the girls, Bella and Hetty, arrived shortly after 19:00, straight from school but from across the other side of England, a 3.5 hour drive.
We have the girls until next weekend as their half term is the week after Gloucestershire's half term.
It's going to be a fun week  :-)

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