Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


The days are getting harder. 
Health in Mind; a mental health organisation that I am on the waiting list for peer support called at the agreed time this morning. They spoke about their service and wanted to know all about me, so they can allocate the right peer person.  I am 3rd on the waiting list which she reckons could be about 3 to 4 months away, which is better than the 18-24 months I was told in September. 

I then went along to the chemist for my meds, except they didn't have them. The dr hadn't sent the prescription along that I did online on Monday. So I now have no meds for the weekend and I know with one of them I will go into withdrawal pretty quickly. I was not happy. 

Opened a letter from my private dental plan to find a completely different figure that my dentist practice has quoted. Got on the phone and they told me they were right and my price has more than doubled. 

I started the day feeling really low and it only got worse, spent the afternoon feeling really angry, upset, harming myself and loosing the plot. 

I knew I had to calm down as I was watching Harris for an hour tonight as Steven was taking Lewis to football practice.  So, I got the flowers out and the camera studio out and spent time doing that. Finished my book and then headed along. 
Lewis is also doing goalie training and is in goals for the first time on Sunday and asked me if I could go to his match. 10am kick off. Eek. 

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