Up Close And Personal.

There was a bit of croaking from the pond last night, but not much so I don't think there was much 'activity' going on.
There certainly wasn't anything naughty going on during the day, but there was some tolerance of my presence - especially from this guy.
I have put some more pictures either side of the link. I think the slick skin of the one in the LINK is quite something.

I managed to find the tool place where a very helpful young man was able to lay his hands on exactly the type of screw/bolt I needed and was very apologetic that it was too long and I would require to cut it to length - no problem there. He didn't even charge me for it. Not only that - he pointed me in the direction of somebody who may be able to service my chainsaw (although he wasn't in).

The screw was cut and the bandsaw was put back together - complete with a new blade.
Roll on tomorrow so I can play with it -- although I do have plans to make a small, shallow burr oak dish  ..... if I can get the bark off the burr (I have ordered some dental picks to help do the job).

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