Bus Challenge No 204

The Crescents of Bath - Bath Carers’ Centre Wellbeing Walk

Clockwise from top left: Royal Crescent, Cavendish Crescent, Camden Crescent, Lansdown Crescent, Somerset Place

Met up with a small group of people from Bath Carers’ Centre this morning for a walk that took in five of Bath’s seven Georgian crescents, as well as a cute kitty that was guarding Lansdown Crescent. After the walk everyone went to the pavilion café in the park for lunch; I went for the healthy option of an enormous slab of Millionaires Shortbread!

Stressful bus journey home. My bus was running very late, but luckily Dad’s taxi from daycare was running equally late and I managed to get home just before he did. The weather alternated from grey skies to blue skies and back again. Out of the chilly wind, it felt lovely in the sunshine.

Total bus journey time = 47mins

Thank you.

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