Outdoor v Indoor Work

Stopped from continuing with the interior of the North Wing by our carless state, Mike decided to work on the exterior, extending the pavement outside it. All materials local - old bricks and stones from our Land (one thing it is rich in). 

Wished I could be outside in the sunshine, mixing the mortar, but had to be inside, preparing the talks for the conference, and other computer work, sigh. Asking myself if all the stress is worth it... we will see.

Now I need to pack, another big sigh. Sorry for moaning.

- eating lunch outside; I roasted a whole cauliflower from Maria's garden, with wild asparagus, red onions, garlic, cream and cheese, and fresh squeezed orange juice from our oranges
- quick walk down to the Lake at sunset, saw the heron flying away
- Netty and family arriving safely, and being so kind with offers of help

Oh, and another huge grateful, this, thrilled for my Blip friend.

(Just saying, commenting might be sparse from now on, though I'll do my best.)

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