Double Hit

I spent a couple of hours working in the garden this afternoon, and that has helped me put the recent gloomy weather into perspective. 

Well, a little bit... maybe. 

I hope I do not regret it tomorrow morning when I drag myself downstairs ahead of Parkrun. Time will tell. I tried to be careful and choose which tasks to take on... and not to bend over/straighten too quickly. Yes, time will tell. 

Preparing food yesterday to eat today was a stroke of genius. My carrot, ginger and coriander soup (Blipped) was pretty much perfect after the fresh air and exercise outside. 

I felt I should try the dahl (also known as dhal) even although I was not very hungry after the soup, and it has worked out great as well. It is in the Extra. 

I used Nisha 's recipe, figuring that if the end product was good enough to please her parents, I should be onto a winner. 

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