On the Drop

Sitting on the corner is a really good choice if you are out there to be not just an owl photographer but also a social animal.

Weirdly every 10 mins or so someone would stop and we would chat - goodness it's good it was a slow owl day at this point.

I'd rocked up and parked infront of JDO's car - she was concerned I hadn't enough space but all was well. We chatted - she had her place in the scheme of owl photography and left for her chosen spot.

Next I had cuddles from a guy who had been in hospital recently : we had met initially on the owl wall and he had given me over the years many sites with maps I needed. 

A few hand waves out of cars (no I'm not royalty) and then who should come walking down the lane (in the middle of my murder mystery on BBC Sounds) but Loose Canon and Technophobe. LC had a brand new camera which looked fabulous and T took some amazing shots which I saw  on her screen. It's a horrible thought when one wonders if you have the right camera. But it's not the camera it's the 'nut behind the but', as they say. 

Extra of the rear view of the owl which I like the colours of.

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