I Love This House!

An early start today as I have been to work. It was busy today with some pretty big orders but everything went well. Claire says having my help on these hectic days makes it much less stressful for her, which makes me feel like I'm doing a good job.

Instead of trekking miles I sat in the car and ate a bread bap with grated cheese, mushrooms, onion, jalapenos and BBQ sauce before walking home the long way to keep my Fitbit steps up.

On the way back I pass this house which I really like. I love its roof, the red bricks and the fact that It's right next to the pavement - something I've grown to like since moving here. Unlike here, this house has some outdoor space and more space indoors too, I expect.

Once home I relaxed with a coffee and another episode of Vera. That's season one done! Glad I don't have to wait ages for season two!

Tomorrow afternoon we are going to Castleford to watch Wigan get their new Superleague campaign underway. I'm excited despite the fact that we don't always start as well as we finish... I'm just hoping it will stay fairly dry weather wise!

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