Caviar? NOT!

       Our last trip to a garden centre we saw the inevitable Snowdrops.  Back in the dawn of history (When Ah waz a lad) Snowdrops existed in two forms - Single and double.
      NOT so many years ago I/we discovered that, like so much throughout life, it's not just that easy; I can't ask Alice, but kinda suspect we went "somewhere" to see their Snowdrop displays and saw, for sale, other than single & double.  If pressed, I'd guess I/we first saw either Elwesii, spotted by virtue of their broader leaves or Woronowii for their darker, glossier, shiny leaves.
      I can't, at this juncture, resist a micro-boast.  Way back when, Alice and I were Holidaying "down country" and stumbled upon a "Stately Home" open Day; oddly I can't remember if Snowdrops were actually involved, we seldom "took off" in Snowdrop season - BUT - I remember a bloke, kindly showing us round, including their local Roman/edible, legally protected Snails.  We only found out (HOW? NO idea) later the kindly bloke was a direct descendent of the Elwes after whom they're named.  Can't, as usual, remember if it was 1, 2, or more generations. 
       Truly amazing the way they've suddenly impinged on the collective consciousness.  The last place had Woronowii and three other lots, divided into early, mid-season, and Late varieties.  I goofed, as I mentioned at the time, by not taking a Wide shot of the three varieties which were, literally, in full flower, only half height, and barely braking surface.
      I presume, mine being open relatively long ago, that Beluga is a later variety;  we'll see, next year; D. V. 
      When we bought the Elwesii they had no varietal label - BUT - seeing the width of these leaves, I suspect they may be, technically:-
G. Elwesii Beluga; I'll ask the group.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * 
Addendum.  I've just noticed that "Beluga" has a very liberal amount of green on the inner same as my Elwesii; seen on the extreme left here.

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