
Ok, question of the day - which came first, the Belisha beacon or the zebra crossing?
Crappy weather today kept me home until late but at least gave me the chance to work away on the SA photobook. DougM’s tip worked - Safari was abandoned for Chrome, except that scrolling through photos, text colours etc was an issue so that’ll be rectified on the iPad and then we’re done. I’m a happy chappie!
Amazingly, BT called me at lunchtime as promised and confirmed that my address issue has finally been sorted. Only a muted cheer though because they still can’t place my broadband order. I have another callback next week about that so watch this space. Just out of interest I googled which IT systems BT and OpenReach were using and it transpires that OpenReach use the old BT system which BT replaced with more ‘state-of-the-art’ software. I should have guessed. Still, neither was developed by ICL (aka Horizon) so I suppose that’s a bonus.
And the Answer: the beacons came first, the zebras came along later.

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