Say NO!
Here we go again.
I decided to join a (small) demonstration against fascism in a village nearby. It was with a bleeding heart, because normally Carmen and her husband would have been there, too.
So today I was busy to create another placard. It has a line of one of my favourite songs by Konstantin Wecker on it.
"Get up, get involved: Say no!"
You can read the whole song text and more about it in this blip
When Teba came home from work she agreed to come with me.
It was a small peaceful demonstration with perhaps 400 people. That's not bad for a village with 5500 inhabitants!
There is a large institution for disabled people in the village. It started 1898 as a home for people with epilepsy. Later it expanded for people with other disabilities.
In 1944 round 600 people were gradually transferred from the “Nieder-Ramstädter Heimen” – as the facility was called from 1939 – to state institutions and from there taken to killing facilities. More than 450 people from Nieder-Ramstadt were demonstrably murdered.
Teba's workplace is part of the NRD since 2014.
After the rather powerful speeches we returned home.
On the way to our car I spotted the shadow of Teba and me, that you can see in the extra. :-D
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