Sirens of Sewage

A new installation on the beach outside the Old Neptune Pub in Whitstable. And it crystallised in me something I’d read recently by David Mitchell which helped resolve a conflict in my mind that I’m struggling to reconcile.

The tension is between goodness, love and positivity and greed and selfishness. Seeing this reminded me that there are so many millions of people who are working with courage and determination to make it a better world all the time battling against corporate organisations, authorities and multinational whose aim is economic gain and wealth creation at our expense and to the detriment of our world.

I know the opposite is also true, there are many people who actively seek to be destructive just like there are companies who have a more altruistic attitude to their businesses. What I loath is those organisations who try to greenwash people with empty words about their environmental credentials.

How is it that the private monopolies that are our Water Companies are allowed to get away with polluting our rivers and oceans? It’s only activists such as these who, like David, stand up to the megalithic Goliaths.

Other than that, it was a good day. Very mild, which is why we went to Whitstable. Enjoyed our lunch sitting in the sun around the harbour, a coffee at the Hotel Continental, finishing off the day calling in for a cup of tea with friends who live in Whitstable.

The light was excellent and the cloudscape delicate bringing some expansive coastal scenes. The extra is one such shot.

This evening we had our, now regular, joint guitar/ukulele session practicing our “set list”

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