The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Worst Laid Plans

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

We have a meeting every week who can is purely for info so I multitask by dialling in and taking Murphy for a walk at the same time.

I also text Marina* a photo (in extra) with “Location of this week’s prod meetjng” just to double down on that professionalism!

The Prince and I went out tonight to meet some of his old friends who were visiting their daughter in Edinburgh. They had all worked a couple of summers in America when they were young. They went across with a little cash, nowhere to stay, no jobs and no visas! They all managed to get work (not quite legally) and had a ball but we agreed that we’d probably tie our children down if they came to us with that master plan!

It was all misty when we left the pub. Edinburgh looked very dramatic and beautiful.


*Also on the call

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