Technology day

Its raining yet again as I do my Blip entry. We have a warning out for Warwickshire so I expect there will be more flooding on our local roads tonight/tomorrow..

Went to a presentation at the Lotus Advanced Technology Centre this morning. Organised by  Dene Valley u3a Trains. Planes and Automobiles group. My Blip is one of their cars retailing at around £120k. The talk was about Electronic Vehicles and the challenge of batteries. Did you know that there are 100 million lines of code used in a car's control systems. More than is needed to control a Boeing 787 Dreamliner. If you use a fast charger to top up your battery regularly you shorten the life of your battery. Lots of interesting information.

Inspired by all this leading edge stuff I tried out the adaptive cruise control on my car on the way home. Fortunately Mrs C was at another talk so she was not there to share the experience. I set the speed at 50 and pushed the button and followed a lorry. I took my foot off the accelerator and kept my foot near the brake. The moment of truth arrived when we came to a hill and the lorry started to slow up. Held my breath as my car slowed up and kept at the same distance from the lorry. Well it works. Im not sure how stress free its going to be.

Work on AI images for the next book continues. Lots of comments to yesterdays posts which I will be responding to. The two extras represent some of todays efforts. The first extra proved to be very difficult as the reults resembled cartoons. This one had some element of realism. The second extra shows I am starting to get a more consistent image of the old man.

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