
By PlanW

Summertime and the ...

I thought I'd give you a rest from those tedious flower shots.

This is Easy Living a wimmins lifestyle magazine, for wimmin with lifestyles. I've been a subscriber since the off, with a minor break due to direct debit issues, don't get me started. Anyway, I renewed earlier this year at a super-special rate of £24 for 24 issues.

Now, it seems, they've pulled the plug on it as no-one's reading it, no-one cares. To make amends, however, I've been offered double the amount of unused subscription if I switch to another publication, 40 issues! So 44 magazines for £24. Result. But what to choose? Unfortunately, the alternatives list reads like the specialist publications on Have I Got News For You but hey ho, they're free (ish).

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