Taking on Manhattan

Metropolis - Darkest Side of The Night

A nice day out with the Mrs doing errands and window shopping. The best part of the day was seeing the new Friday the 13th Gatcha Gatcha machine. They were selling mini pouches of Jason masks from all the films. It’s random but I got Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan. Pretty happy, would have liked Part 2 (the sack) but it’s better than the mask for 5. 8 was the funniest of the lot, that and Jason X.

Previous Gatcha Gatchas had mini-mask key chains which I tried to get a lot of. I’m definitely a fan of Friday the 13th. It’s trash and I love it. Halloween is infinitely better than all the Friday the 13th films combined (no questions) but the Friday the 13th films got some really specific stuff on point. Thoughts on the movies?

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