Blips on repeat

I didn't realise that today would be the day that I would post my 4000th Blip until Blipfoto told me 3 days ago. Bit of a dilemma because how do I comply with today's optional Abstract Thursday theme of 'repetition' now ?  I've settled for a spiraling composite of 4 milestone Blips in Chinese New Year colours with repetition in the spiral.

Thanks to the wonderful team of people who keep Blipfoto running, you deserve all the kudos there are. And thanks to my followers for your kind comments , stars and hearts even when I'm an even worse commenter nowadays. This is by far the nicest photo site I know and it is very pleasant to be a part of it.

PS Please don't forget to tag your Abstract Thursday entries with AT451, so that I will be able to find them all over the weekend :-)

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