Photography Masterclass

To the cinema with the minky and her little pal Jules. Peppa’s Cinema Party. It's not great - I tried as hard as I could to sleep. And the cinema was roasting hot and full of restless kids, it being half term. The wee ones were quite flaked out at the end of it; the oldies, not much better. 
In fact, Minky still seems to have some lurgy and went off for a two hour kip! Easy childminding day this. She awoke in quite good spirits and wanted to go over to the beach. It wasn’t really a day for it but we trotted over there. 
Later, off to the Diggers. We’re now all of an age where the “albums that came out 50 years ago this week” are ones that have stuck with us, unlike anything say in the last thirty years. And Andy S joined us for a rare visit. He was originally from Rochdale and his Dad is still a Labour activist there. Let’s just say, interesting discussions.
And just as I was thinking of heading off for the bus I got a text offering me a lift home. Well, it was Valentine’s Day.

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