Just .............

 .............. MisterWhisper chillin' with the stars.

With my " temporary (I hope) affliction" I am finding it hard to take photos looking up, looking down, bending forward, bending back, bending sideways - you get the idea, any kind of bending!!!

This was a phone photo taken from my office chair at the boy, cross-pawed in his office bed, keeping me company.   
I actually first wrote " ......... at the boy, cross-pawed keeping me company in his office bed"   ......... and there you go with the grammar thing - made me sound like I was in his office bed!!   :o))

Anyway, I'm in the chair, he's in the bed.   Thought I would just make him all starry just because I could.

~ Anni ~

This is Saturday uploaded on Thursday .... I seem to be just treading water with uploading - fiddlesticks.

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