
Woke late, rain held off for a half hour woofer walk late morning.   Other than a couple of hours early evening when bro came for dinner, the  afternoon and evening was spent engaged in embroidery (see yesterday) and three easy watch movies on Netflix: 
Page Eight (2011) - Bill Nighy and other major players in a very meh mystery; 
The Love Punch (2013) - good cast but another meh film with funny chuckle moments; 
The Lost City (2022) - yet another meh rom com with Sandra Bullock - cameo from Brad Pitt with some genuinely lol moments and throwaway lines. 

Some tremendous British actors but no stars for any of the films. Still, all three films did what I needed - forgettable entertainment on a grismal day. 

A photo of my beautiful boy on Valentine's Day

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