Valentines Roses

Well, not actual roses, but give them a few weeks and they might be looking lovely! They will have well and truly missed Valentines though!

These rose arbours are on part of the walk we did today and were apparently created as an employment initiative in the 1930’s.

They been restored a few times, the last possibly about ten years ago, but the info I found also said it is a lovely place to sit and admire the view, so roll on a bit of warmth and sunshine and I will return.

What have I done today? Not a great deal, although I seem to have been busy. Changed the bed, hung the curtains back up now they have been shortened, installed a new webcam on my office computer, face timed with G who eventually could hear and see me on the webcam once I’d clicked a few more buttons, met the new (to us) window cleaner and chatted to him, been to the post office. Just ‘stuff’ really.

Now to sit and have a look through the Tiny Tuesday entries.

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