Cragside kitchen

The kitchen at Cragside House in Northumbria. Cragside is a luxurious house in the Arts and Crafts style, the creation of Lord William and Lady Margaret Armstrong. William was an engineer and inventor. He pioneered new technologies at Cragside, including thermoelectric lighting and a hydraulic lift. Margeret was an enthusiastic gardener. The house reflects their passion for both the practical and the beautiful. It’s clear to see that the Cragside project was a shared dream and a joint project.
There was no reason to turn Cragside into a blip today, except that it happens to have appeared a lot today on our screen savers (we use rotating travel photos as screen savers). We had a black stove like this one when I was a child, very much smaller of course. Mum used to get down on her knees to polish it with black lead polish. The Armstrongs would have had servants to do that.

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