55+ February Banquet 2024

The 55+ February Banquet has become an event we all look forward to.  It is different from our other monthly fellowships because it is not a potluck.  We get dressed up, many of us wear red, we  don't have to bring anything except money for a love offering.  We are served at our tables by the members of the youth department and we are blessed by entertainment by a group from Temple High School called Polyfoniks. They are directed by Cameron Roucloux, son of our own choir director, Daniel Roucloux. They perform a variety of show tunes, some old, some new, all well done and enjoyable. Because it is a high school group, singers come and go, but we look forward to next year's group already, knowing that it will be the quality that we have come to look forward to hearing.  Thanks to all who worked behind the scenes to put this banquet together.  We appreciate everything you did to make us feel special!

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