Retaining beauty

The roses that A and N brought round in January, and which I blipped once before, continue to give pleasure every day, especially in the morning light from the East South East. Today was the second day of sunshine in a row, although yesterday evening there was a sharp and very unpleasant cold shower as I came home from work, and then there was thunder and lightening later on. Today seems to have been more peaceful.

I worked at home, did a peleton workout, played my game of three dimensional chess quite successfully to the extent that I now have something to put in every square (but things can still fall apart), and popped out for a walk and some shopping for a while after lunch. I went to Krema and picked up some baklava for an afternoon treat.

This evening, Mr A and I caught up on Monday's University Challenge and watched a couple more Simon Reeve "Wilderness" programmes. The cinematography was amazing.

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