toaster's world!

By 2112toaster

Immortalised In Steel

Three relatively new Steel Sculptures stand proudly along a Cycle path in the grounds of Chatelherault Country Park and is part of a Cycle Route between Hamilton & Chatelherault, there are many local hero's like these scattered along the UK's circle routes and where there is Sculptures ( always 3 ) there is a bench for the cyclists to rest and perhaps ponder on their local hero's lives, works & impact they made to the community, county, country or even the world!

And All are Immortalised in Steel

We have in the photo ( L to R)

Robert Owen 1771-1858 who endeavoured to improve the Health, education, well- being and rights of the working class.

William Wallace: 1270-1305 Hero of Scotland, his desire for peace and freedom united the Clans and gained the loyalty of the people.

David Livingstone: 1813-1873 A Scottish missionary, Doctor and one of the greatest European explores of Africa, he discovered the Victoria Falls in Zambia.

Another late blip before my shift starts!

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