How Time Flies

SWMBO and I were on Monster watch duties today.

After breakfast The Cygnet (I think I might have to come up with another name) and I headed to the charity shop to get rid of pass on the clothes and some books SWMBO allowed out of her possession. 
The entrance at the rear door has been refurbished ... badly in my view ... leaving a narrow length of the concrete slab with a very small 'step' (I am talking maybe 1/2" ) and without any warning paint. 
That of course was where I touched the tip of my shoe which resulted in vast increase in my forward speed but without the usual balance.
Luckily I managed to stop myself with the aid of a closed door!
The two members of staff were rather concerned about my health - The Cygnet couldn't do anything for laughing.
He was lucky he was allowed back in the car for the homeward journey!

All day the younger two cats have been running wild - no fighting, just chasing each other and playing 'Hide & Seek'..
There have been a couple of quieter moments - after all, the big lad does love a cuddle.

There are half a dozen shots over here (I really like the one of the the big lad sleeping with the growing lad)

EDIT ............... Brain Fade -- forgot to mention the fun of going for my 2nd shingles injection.
Only remembering now as the arm is sore and the headache starting.

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