Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


I had a whole day to fill today. I am getting too good at staying in, on the sofa, colouring, reading, watching tv. It is getting to the point I don't want to go out, but I know that isn't good. 
I really really had to force myself to go for a walk today. I didn't even shower, that was too much effort, threw some clothes on, and I went . Got to the end of my street and I felt the panic set in, and nearly turned round. I said to myself I had to get to 6000 steps, I know it is not a lot, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get to 10,000. I am also aware of if I go far a way from home I panic. So I walked round the area, staying very local. I got to 6,660 and got home. 
I felt the relief as I saw my flat. 

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