The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


I slept in this morning - not a great start to the day and I don't like missing the 7:07 train. The 7:27 is always a tad busier and then the underground is much busier the later it gets.

I am attempting an earlier night tonight but then since it is now 22:56 I am not so sure that plan is going to pan out all that well.

I enjoyed a lovely long bath and thought I was experiment with some water shots as it ran - not sure I got what I was looking for but I do like the way this falling drop with the bubble background looks like an oddly cut gem.

In other news, the book of choice right now is Frankenstein. I do love this novel but have to admit to getting really frustrated with Frankenstein and all I can see are his faults which I guess was part of Shelley's plan....

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