It seemed like a good idea to drive to Tarn Hows early this morning instead of shopping in Kendal which can wait for a rainy day. There’s an easy path around the tarn with options to wander off on other ones. I wanted to get there before the tourists and home before the rain that was forecast.

So many trees gone on the west side . . . some felled because of disease and others fallen in storms.

There were no belted galloway cattle today (except in a field near the car park) but I did find these Herdies having their breakfast near Rose Castle (which isn’t a castle) and a few kindly posed for me.

In extras a view across the tarn towards Coniston.

Two massive unavoidable potholes on the one way single track road down. Fortunately I saw them well in advance and drove over very very slowly.

A walk down to the Co-op later to stock up on chocolate using the money (£4.50) on the membership card now that the scheme has been discontinued.

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