Not much to blip today!

Although it was raining this morning, it wasn’t going to get better, so I drove up to the park, and walked, I’m so grateful for my shower coat, I kept me warm and more importantly it kept me bone dry -except for my legs!! I had to change my trousers when I got back, they were dripping wet. Later on Eithan, Rafe and mummy came for lunch, which was for Rafe a crisp sandwich, for Eithan 2 slices of Grandpas 50/50 bread with Guernsey butter, mummy had ham and coleslaw crust, I had the same as Rafe, grandpa had cheese sandwich, we all made our own, and it was a yummy lunch together. Later they played hide and seek, Eithan is behind a blanket in the corner of the room, and Rafe was in the Duplo box with the lid resting on the top. I’d love to have blipped birds, or something wow! But it was too wet to take my camera out on my walk. ;0)

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