Getting wet

I had the best nights sleep I've had in I don't know how long.  I got past my 1 a.m. brain alarm and went right through until around 4 a.m.  A quick trip to you know where, back to bed and straight off again.  I woke naturally around 8 a.m. to find JJ had gone to golf.

I got up and took my weekly "stand up for half an hour" bone strengthening tablet and pottered around opening curtains and loafing around before getting washed and dressed.

I intended going for a walk and to pick up some tablets from the pharmacy (when did we stop calling them chemists?) but it started to rain heavily mid-morning so that was abandoned.

JJ came home earlier than expected because a lot of the course is still closed.  He's spent the afternoon cleaning clubs, balls, washing cloths, and cleaning his shoes.  I kept out of the way.

I bought some more material yesterday (a snip at £6 a metre in the sale) and have cut out an A-line skirt, which will have to have a zip this time because it's not stretchy.  That's the next challenge.  I've also enough material left to make something else.  Maybe a simple dress, who knows.

It's my Cornish maternal grandpa's 120th birthday today.  (I tend to remember birthdays rather than when they died, much more cheery.)  When he came to stay with us he was a great one for taking me out for a walk and leaving me outside a pub on route, which I didn't seem to mind.

Camera club tonight for a zoom wildlife talk.

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