A life on the ocean wave!

Another day of mixed weather! Hail this morning, then rain. I thought it had finished when I set off for the gym, but it soon caught up with me - fairly light fortunately. Another wonderful session of 'Strength & Balance', not.

Lovely sunshine this afternoon when I set off for the town, dropping my membership application form for Oban U3A off to the membership guy, who lives nearby. Bought a paper and various other bits of shopping, then noticed the old 'Chugging Bathtub' setting off for Mull, lit up (almost) in the pale sun against the dark sky - my Blip today. Then the heavens opened and I waited for 15 minutes in a shop for it to stop - life seems to be dominated by the weather!

Got home just as the next shower began - now it's sitting down with a cuppa to watch another episode of 'Lewis'!

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