Aderyn yn hedfan

Aderyn yn hedfan ~ Bird in flight

“Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except the best.”
― Henry van Dyke

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Roedd diwrnod gwlyb heddiw.  Mae prydau gyda ni yn y tŷ fferm ac mae dysgeidiaethau gyda ni yn ysgubor wedi'i drosi. Mae'n daith cerdded wlyb rhwng y ddau. Un dydd byddan ni'n cael llwybr cerdded palmantog  - mae'n ar y cynllun,

Ar y ffenestri yn y tŷ fferm mae sticeri mewn siâp adar. Roedden nhw ar y ffenestri pan roedden ni edrych ar y tŷ bron pum mlynedd yn ôl.  Rydw i'n meddwl eu bod nhw' yna i helpu adar gweld y ffenestri ac nid ehedeg i mewn iddyn nhw. Caredig iawn o'r perchenogion blaenorol.

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Today was a wet day. Meals are with us in the farmhouse and teachings are with us in a converted barn. It's a wet walk between the two. One day we'll have a paved walkway - it's on the plan,

On the windows in the farmhouse there are stickers in the shape of birds. They were on the windows when we looked at the house almost five years ago. I think they are there to help birds see the windows and not fly into them. Very kind from the previous owners.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Sticer adar ar y ffenestr
Description (English): Bird sticker on the window

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