Every year we try to ensure we take a shot of these beautiful snowdrops that belonged to Mr. HCB’s mother, Joan.  She died in October 1996, just after her second great-grandchild was born, so as we lost the poppies that came from Joan and Harry’s garden in the very frosty weather in April two years ago, we are so pleased that these snowdrops have survived all this time.  

Every year that they push up through the soil in this pot, we are grateful that they show us that life goes on.  We don’t have many other bulbs in our garden, because they don’t like heavy clay soil, but as these are in a pot, they do very well and of course, Mr. HCB keeps a careful eye on them.

I often wonder if things like this should be put in our Letter of Wishes to go with our Wills - along with the bagatelle board, which is very old and Mum’s old button box, but I doubt whether our grandchildren will be as sentimental about things as we are - but I could be wrong.  

Perhaps after we have “popped our clogs” we would be surprised at what they might like to take from our house.  However, I doubt they will want 8 years worth of Blips that I printed off and put into large binders - so perhaps I should include those in the “paper decluttering” that I am endeavouring to do.  

I know this is way off theme for today “a meal ingredient” but they are tiny and they are special to us, so this is my Tiny Tuesday Blip offering for today, taken in the rain whilst still wearing my pink robe!  Of course, they would be good, and on theme, for the 27th February, “Spring is in the Air” but hey-ho, I’m often off theme, as you know, and even if I don’t get a heart or an honourable mention today - the lovely lady we are remembering by looking at these beautiful little snowdrops is forever in our hearts.

Have a terrific Tuesday and remember BE KIND!  M xx 

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