64 F/ 18 C

Another backyard
blip in haste, coming in late
in the afternoon


It's been a lost day for me. I'm sleeping, taking meds and drinking water....L came by but I didn't want to invite her into my germ factory. And I'm sure I look like the wrath of God at this point. 

It suddenly occurred to me that there was a blip that needing doing. I wrapped up and went out the back door to sit in my chair to wait for some action. In minutes, the neighbourhood cat hopped over the wall to tiptoe along the perimeter. All birds in the vicinity set up their alarm calls. Then all was quiet for several minutes until the cat was gone. 

A dove appeared in my palm tree. It made no noise at all. The resident hummingbird appeared at the top of the orange tree. It moved about in and out of the tree but made no sound. There! Another blip taken care of. Now....I'm going back to bed. 

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