Clearing space

A cold and bright day today and the only one on this week's forecast with sunshine symbols so I took my chance this afternoon to get into the garden and do some tidying. The hellebores are showing their faces - including this very lovely one that I bought last year - and they are all a bit more visible now that some of the detritus has been cleared around them. 

I also washed (and dried outside) part of Bailey's biggest bed and sorted out the covers on the garden furniture. They're not coming off yet with the weather forecast this week but one was reapplied once it had been dried out on the patio and the other had a big pool of water tipped off it. 

There was also the beginnings of sorting bags for a charity shop drop off on Wednesday and two visitors: the boiler serviced this morning and a postponed haircut this evening. Bailey only has a fan in one of the visitors so was kept in the lounge whilst the plumbers were here but he was treated to an adequate amount of fuss from my hairdresser. 

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