MMC24 ::Day 12 :: Turn
Today’s MM theme is TURN. I thought I'd turn my water bottle upside down.
I’ve been running around town taking care of some business. It was a good thing that I scheduled my lab draw and knee x-ray a couple hours apart. Even with an appointment I had to wait an hour before the phlebotomist called me. It’s all good, though, because everything is done. Results in a couple of days.
Neighbor on the left asked me to stop over to help her get the PBS Passport app onto her TV. She was trying to find an app called Passport. It’s actually just PBS. Easy peasy. Glad to help.
In other news…there was frost on the pumpkin this morning. The overnight low dipped to 28°/-2.2.
A genie granted me one wish, so I said, "I just want to be happy."
Now I'm living in a cottage with 6 dwarves and working in a mine.
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