Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

I was up and out quite early this morning, washing done, for I was going to ring my latest medical person and hopefully get an early appointment. But NO! Three weeks to wait for the local one. For I need to see a podiatrist or a chiropodist. *sigh* 'Twas in Adelaide when my big toe suddenly became very sore, and it's been getting worse since then. It's bearable here in my winter shoes, which have plenty of room in them, but it needs seeing to. However, I rang the next one, in Morningside, and I can go next week.

I took my old puffer coat, which is now replaced with my new Craghoppers bargain, up to the charity shop. I'm sure they'll be able to get the zip working. Archie and I then went on to the graveyard. It's quite awkward first thing in the morning - the sun is still so low so that you can see nothing as you walk up the path, until you can turn the corner.

JR went to two gyms, then did some gardening in the morning sun, then we drove out to Porty a) to take Archie to the beach and b) to deliver a basket of goodies to Derek and Angela for the extra care he provided in taking Archie to the vet twice.

It was pretty cold, and I think it's been wild at the beach of late - sand all up on the promenade. We didn't stay too long, just a dog muffin length, tiring Archie out, running between us for a treat. The cafes were mobbed (school holidays). JR decided to walk all the way home. Often, they will get out in the Park and walk home, but no, today it was the whole way, as it was such a nice day, and probably not windy away from the beach.

PS: Actually, it WAS windy all the way home! JR almost regretted walking all the way, and cut off into town at the last bit, out of the wind in the Park.

PPS: Yes, Archie was sick on the carpet in the footwell (easy to clean up) when we stopped.

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